Gorilla Capital depends greatly on our amazing contractors and vendors. We value our corporate relationships and know we couldn’t do what we do so well without them! Please review our contractor procedures below to ensure payments will be processed as smoothly as possible.
STEP 1: Submit completed Independent Contractor Authorization packet to contractor@gorillacapital.com
Gorilla Capital requires each vendor we pay directly to have a completed Contractor Packet on file. Required documentation includes:
- Independent Contractor Verification Checklist
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- W9
- Current Certificate of Liability Insurance with “Gorilla Capital Fund and all related companies” named as an additional insured
- Optional: Voided check if contractor/vendor prefers payment via ACH instead of check
Download our Independent Contractor Authorization Packet
STEP 2: Submit an estimate or PO request
You must have an estimate approved by your Gorilla Capital contact prior to beginning work:
- If you are in Oregon or Idaho working with Peter Wilson or Jason Nienhouse:
- Submit your estimate either to your Gorilla Capital contact or estimates@gorillacapital.com.
- Once approved you will receive a PO number. Please include this PO number when you submit your invoice.
- If you are in any other state:
- Submit your estimate to the project manager and wait for approval before beginning work.
STEP 3: Submit invoice for completed work
- If you are in Oregon or Idaho working with Peter Wilson or Jason Nienhouse:
- Email your invoice with the PO number to bills@gorillacapital.com.
- If you are in any other state:
- Email your invoice to the project manager. They will work with Gorilla Capital to submit for payment. It is recommended that you submit your invoice to your project manager as early as possible to allow time for your project manager to approve the payment and submit the payment request to Gorilla Capital. Gorilla will then review the invoice and must approve the payment as well.
- Gorilla Capital pays bills every Wednesday. Completed payment requests must be submitted to Gorilla Capital by 12pm PST Tuesday at the latest to be paid on Wednesday. Any missing documentation is likely to cause a delay in payment. Missing documentation can include, but is not limited to:
- Incomplete Independent Contractor Authorization Packet
- Expired insurance on file
- Work on invoice has not been completed or work cannot be verified because of lack of photos
- Invoice amount exceeds approved estimate
- Lack of detail on invoice (example: Single line item for “Labor”)
- Missing property address
- Missing PO number (if in OR or ID)