Time and money are always on the line during a fix and flip project. Without a doubt, meeting deadlines and cutting costs mean higher profits.
Experts in the fix and flip business will tell you that, while bathrooms are definitely important, there is a danger of spending too much time and money on improving them.
Let’s take a look at three ways to minimize the time spent remodeling the bathroom.
Function Over Fluff
A well-decorated bathroom is a wonderful sight, but that shouldn’t be your focus. Go with classic styles and uniform colors that beckon customization. Adding too many of your own decorations discourages potential buyers from dreaming big.
Most importantly, buyers want to know that bathroom fixtures are reliable and modern. Upkeep and repair can add up, and people rely on them every single day.
Invest in fixtures that maintain their quality over time. Cheap faucets and showerheads that lose their finish quickly won’t be attractive to a careful buyer. Top quality features like these don’t require decorative touches; solid construction wins out every time.
Minimal Touches Reduce Cost and Effort
Many times the small touches have the most impact on the look and feel of a bathroom. Recognizing these can save you serious time.
Choose one wall for the more complex, decorative tiling. Leave the rest as standard porcelain and you’ll save both energy and money.
Simply upgrading one large aspect of the bathroom, like the shower curtain rod, can give the entire room a more elegant feel. Add too much complexity and artistry and you end up ruining the new owners’ ability to decorate to their tastes.
Make a Connection with One Exciting Feature
Potential buyers will most likely visit more than one property. Bathrooms are smaller rooms, so you have a perfect opportunity to make a lasting impression by adding one unforgettable feature.
Install something that sets the bathroom apart from all the others. A heated floor or non-slip tiling are extras that can be big difference makers come decision time. Toilets and showerheads that are cost efficient and environmentally friendly have the extra perk of offering potential buyers a savings on utilities.
Planning out a profitable fix and flip project doesn’t need to be intimidating or costly. Use our Fix & Flip Calculator to start getting accurate estimates before you begin. Work with our supportive team of fix and flip experts and you’ll receive the advice and inspiration you need to get the job done.